Koh-i-noor art materials
KOH-I-NOOR HARDTMUTH – Art materials
April 19, 2017
U Supa Pub
U SUPA Pub & Restaurant
April 20, 2017



The world’s largest producer of the garnet jewelry – Granát Turnov – has been active since 1953 on the market, and deals with the processing of the Bohemian garnet. Our garnet jewelries have a fully specific character, depending on the size of the found stones. Because of the variation in size (from two to six millimeters,) their beauty, sparkling red color and the gloss of these stones excels mostly on jewels with big surfaces and the Bohemian garnet densely set with stones and metal creates the jewel structure. In the jewel stones of bigger size, no pyrops, but almandine is used. Nowadays a combination of the Bohemian garnet and other bohemian stones, moldavite, has become popular and we can offer collections of inexhaustible volume of classical models, which can be extended by jewelleries with modern and creative designs to make an alternative for young clients.

In our wide range of offers, the cooperative has the biggest collection of original jewelries with the bohemian garnet in gold and silver. The collection includes models from the historical and popular traditions of these jewels from around the world, as well as new fashion designs, getting the traditional garnet jewelries closer to the younger generation of customers and combining the tradition and the contemporary fashion trends together. The cooperative also cooperates with the contemporary fashion designers and offers a collection of trendy fashion models.

Czech garnets — also known as Bohemian garnets or Prague garnets — are deep red Pyrope gemstones. The finest garnets have been mined in the Czech Republic for several centuries. While most people think of a blood-red stone, garnets come in different colors and types: black and transparent garnets are also common, and there’s a rare green variety of garnet as well.

Czech garnet jewelry is traditionally characterized by many small garnets packed together so that the garnets cover the piece. In more modern jewelry pieces, solitary stones are often displayed in simple settings that highlight the color and cut of the garnet.

The biggest traditional manufacturer of original pieces of jewellery with Bohemian garnets. It has been a significant market player since 1953. The sole owner of Bohemian garnet mines. The originality of the jewellery is substantiated with a certificate of authenticity. Bohemian garnets are a mineralogical symbol of Bohemia and they have been attributed with healing properties.


Our garnet jewelries have a fully specific character, depending on the size of the found stones. Because of the variation in size (from two to six millimeters,) their beauty, sparkling red color and the gloss of these stones excels mostly on jewels with big surfaces and the Bohemian garnet densely set with stones and metal creates the jewel structure. In the jewel stones of bigger size, no pyrops, but almandine is used. Nowadays a combination of the Bohemian garnet and other bohemian stones, moldavite, has become popular and we can offer collections of inexhaustible volume of classical models, which can be extended by jewelleries with modern and creative designs to make an alternative for young clients.

1 Comment

  1. John says:

    Magic garnet museum Panska 6-nice place! Interesting exposition and beautiful collection of historical jewellery…! I was delighted to learn about traditional stones of Bohemia! Employees are helpful! The museum offers the contemporary jewellery from Turnov to buy – really lovely pieces! Thank you!

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