Prague motor-coach train

Písek Gate (Písecká brána)
December 14, 2018
Prague Waterworks Museum (Muzeum pražského vodárenství)
Prague Waterworks Museum (Muzeum pražského vodárenství)
December 14, 2018

Prague motor-coach train

Experience the romance of the rails on the Prague Semmering. This historical railbus departs from the main railway station on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. First it’ll take you through the Vinohrady tunnel, then across the Vltava River with views of Vyšehrad and Prague Castle, then the impressive Hlubočepy viaducts and the Košíře-Motol natural park to Zličín train station and back again.


  • Prague motor-coach train
  • Wilsonova – Hlavní nádraží
  • 110 00 Praha 1- Nové Město


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