Holy Trinity Church (Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice)

Emmaus Monastery Na Slovanech (Klášter na Slovanech (Emauzy))
Emmaus Monastery Na Slovanech – Klášter na Slovanech – Emauzy
December 13, 2018
Hus Congregational House (Husův sbor)
December 13, 2018

Holy Trinity Church (Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice)

The 1980s were a critical moment for this Baroque church. During the construction of the metro system, the church was structurally damaged and was threatened with demolition. Fortunately the building was saved and today you can still see wall paintings from 1779. Since 2009, the church has been used by the Greek Catholic parish for worshippers from Slovakia and Ukraine.


  • Holy Trinity Church (Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice)
  • Spálená 6
  • 110 00 Praha 1- Nové Město
  • +420 221 778 491
  • +420 603 472 532

Object history

The Baroque church stands in the place of former Jewish cemetery. The construction of the church designed by Octavian Broggio started in 1708. The builders were Kryštof Dientzenhofer and Jan Jiří Aichbauer. The consecration took place in 1713. The whole building expresses the symbolism of the trinity, which is evident from the front entrance that leads into Spálená Street. It has three entrance portals and three windows above them. Right of the front is a statue of St John of Nepomuk in Cubist wall, on the left behind a semicircular gate there is a copy of the statue of St Jude Thaddeus by academic sculptor Jiří Novák.
The church is three-aisled with a dome over the main tower, each nave is divided into three fields. The vaults are decorated with paintings of Antonín Schlachter, the main altarpiece of the Holy Trinity is by A. Maulbertsch.
In 1980´s the church was in a very dilapidated condition and its demolition was considered. In 1990´s fortunately a gradual reconstruction of the truss and the roof started, followed by the facades. Painted decorations were restored by Mr and Mrs Slavík. Reconstruction was completed in 2004.

Source: https://www.prague.eu/en/object/places/1173/holy-trinity-church-kostel-nejsvetejsi-trojice

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