Folimanka Underground Bunker
Folimanka Underground Bunker
December 14, 2018
Holešovice Docks
Holešovice Docks
December 14, 2018


The largest underground space at Vyšehrad was created as part of the 33rd bastion of the Baroque fortifications. The vault, measuring 330 m2 in area and 13 m in height, was originally intended for the gathering of troops, food storage, and use as a munitions store. The space was renovated and made accessible to the public in the 1990s as part of the tour of the casements (walled corridors for troops) and is now home to six of the original statues from the Charles Bridge.


  • Gorlice
  • V Pevnosti
  • 128 00 Praha 2- Vyšehrad
  • +420 241 410 348
  • +420 242 451 197


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