Church of St Joseph in the Lesser Town (Kostel sv. Josefa na Malé Straně)

Church of St Joseph (Kostel sv. Josefa)
Church of St Joseph (Kostel sv. Josefa)
December 13, 2018
Church of St Katherine of Alexandria (Chrám sv. Kateřiny Alexandrijské)
December 13, 2018

Church of St Joseph in the Lesser Town (Kostel sv. Josefa na Malé Straně)

This baroque monastery church with its monumental Dutch-style facade was completed for the Carmelite Order in 1702. The church’s interior is one of the richest in Prague, not only architectonically, but also because of its furnishings, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. Masses here are also conducted in French.


  • Church of St Joseph in the Lesser Town (Kostel sv. Josefa na Malé Straně)
  • Josefská 4
  • 118 00 Praha 1- Malá Strana
  • +420 257 532 100
  • +420 733 741 908


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