The Church of Our Lady before Tyn

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The Church of Our Lady before Tyn

The Church of Our Lady before Tyn

The Church of Our Lady before Tyn is located in the Old Town of Prague near Old Town Square.


The construction of The Church of Our Lady before Tyn had lasted from the mid-14th century to the first decades of the 16th century. The church is among the most artistically important churches in Prague. Its western facade asserting towards the square represents one of the most famous landmarks of Prague.

Church of our Lady in front of Tyn

Tyn Church in the Old Town Square


The Church of Our Lady before Tyn is built of unplastered stone blocks, plastic articles architectural and sculptural decoration are sculpted from local limestone.

It’s a Gothic architecture with the disposition of a three-aisled basilica with two towers on the western facade.

The northern portal is a wonderful example of Gothic sculpture from the Parler workshop, with a relief depicting the Crucifixion. The main entrance is located on the church’s western face, through a narrow passage between the houses in front of the church.

The early baroque altarpiece has paintings by Karel Škréta from around 1649. The oldest pipe organ in Prague stands inside this church. The organ was built in 1673 by Heinrich Mundt and is one of the most representative 17th-century organs in Europe.

The Church of Our Lady before Tyn – legends

Like a number of other sights of Prague’s – The Church of Our Lady before Tyn is associated with several legends.

One legend tells of a small bell in the bell tower of the church. It reminds the maid who was strangled by her Madam in a rage, just because she knelt down and began to pray when the bell was ringing from the Tyn Church, instead of helping her Madam to dress.

Or there is a story about the bell-ringer, who rode a horse up the stairs to the towers. And then he tied the horse to the upper gallery.


Opening hours:

March – December

  • Tuesday – Saturday
    • 10.00 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 17.00
  • Sunday
    • 10.00 – 12.00

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