Galerie Tančící dům (Dancing House Gallery)

Forum Karlín
Forum Karlín
December 15, 2018
Prague Congress Centre (Kongresové centrum Praha, a. s.)
Prague Congress Centre (Kongresové centrum Praha, a. s.)
December 15, 2018

Galerie Tančící dům (Dancing House Gallery)

The Gallery is to be found in the so-called ‘Dancing House’ aka ‘Fred and Ginger’ on Rašínovo embankment – Prague’s modern landmark, authored by world-renowned architects Vlado Milunić and Frank O. Gehry. The Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the works of prominent Czech and international artists, as well as hosting various thematic exhibitions. You will also find a shop selling books and designs. In the Dancing House you can also visit the restaurant and enjoy the view from the rooftop terrace, with Prague laid out before you.


  • Galerie Tančící dům (Dancing House Gallery)
  • Jiráskovo náměstí 6
  • 12000 Praha 2- Nové Město
  • +420 732 675 202


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