John Lennon Wall (Zeď Johna Lennona)

Jan Palach Memorial – Sculptural composition of the Son’s and Mother’s Houses
Jan Palach Memorial – Sculptural composition of the Son’s and Mother’s Houses
December 14, 2018
December 14, 2018

John Lennon Wall (Zeď Johna Lennona)

Shortly after the death of John Lennon, this stone wall surrounding the Maltese Gardens was transformed into an impromptu memorial with a painting of the singer’s face. Lighted candles accompanied quotes from John’s songs about world peace and freedom, and soon slogans criticizing the totalitarian regime began to appear. With the arrival of democracy, the wall has lost some of its significance, but it still remains as a colourful display of messages and tags.


  • John Lennon Wall (Zeď Johna Lennona)
  • Velkopřevorské náměstí
  • 118 00 Praha 1- Malá Strana


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