High Synagogue (Vysoká synagoga)

The Church of St. Anthony of Padua
The Church of St. Anthony of Padua
December 13, 2018
Jerusalem (Jubilee) Synagogue (Jeruzalémská synagoga (Jubilejní)
Jerusalem (Jubilee) Synagogue (Jeruzalémská synagoga (Jubilejní)
December 13, 2018

High Synagogue (Vysoká synagoga)

The High Synagogue was built in High Renaissance style together with the Jewish Town Hall in 1577 as a private synagogue for the rabbinical court and the Jewish council. It’s called the High Synagogue because of its position on the first floor of the Town Hall. The current facade dates from the 19th century, but the interior lunette vaults with decorative stucco work is original. The synagogue is not open to tourists.



  • High Synagogue (Vysoká synagoga)
  • Červená / Maiselova 18
  • 110 00 Praha 1- Josefov
  • +420 224 800 849

Object history

A Renaissance two-storied building of the High Synagogue was built in 1577 by a businessman Mordechaj Maisel at his own expense. The builder was Panacius Roder. Originally, it was a part of the Jewish Town Hall, so that is why it is also called the Council Synagogue. In 1691 it was extended and in the 19th century it got its current spacious appearance. However, the interior with lunette vault decorated by stucco bands kept its original look. Divine services were held here until the autumn of 1941, and then a warehouse was created here. After the war, the Jewish community restored the chapel, and in the years 1950 – 1992 it was a seat of the National Jewish Museum. An exposition of synagogue textiles was installed here until 1982. In 1994 – 1996 the synagogue was restored and since 1997, it has again served the purposes of the Prague Jewish community’s chapel after a pause of nearly fifty years. The synagogue forms a unit with the Jewish town hall where Hebraism study room is located – midrasha.

Source: https://www.prague.eu/en/object/places/1255/high-synagogue-vysoka-synagoga

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